Start here job thinkers!

Hello and welcome here :smiley: :wave:t5:

I see you are about to start your journey to find your perfect job, not sure where to start or what to do? Don’t worry, this guide details the processes different individuals with successful careers have leveraged to get their ideal job.

:bulb: You’ll find text snippets like this around this guide, they are either a tip around the topic or a task, use them wisely.

The process will be explained across the different stages people go through when job searching:

  1. Looking
  2. Learning
  3. Applying
  4. Interviewing
  5. Resuming

Through each section, you’ll see the step by step process you can apply to get that job. There are 13 topics (plus 2 extra topics on CV rewriting and Building work experience and traction) that covers of each of the 5 stages in detail, with tasks for you to complete and track your progress.

It is not a magic system, and it doesn’t happen in a day. You have to put in the work and be disciplined about it, and as you complete each section you’ll see how it brings you closer to your goal of getting your ideal job.

If you have any questions as you go through this mental model guide, feel free to reply to any topic you are on with the question, and someone will definitely respond.

Let us begin with Looking, and what you need to do when looking for a job.

P. S. I’ll keep updating this guide as I learn more hacks on how to find your ideal job.