Ridhwan Journal

The Product Xperience

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The goal was to solve the problems of waste management as illustrated that waste management companies aren’t turning up well and effective. During introspection, the product appears not viable enough, not market-fit. This is probably because the need to manage waste has not yet been established or significant waste management policy is not existent in the study area. Further research and a highly collaborative system will be needed to actualize this.

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Now, a product for the finance. Focused on cooperative societies and thrift groups. The aim is to empower them with a seamless, transparent, and secure platform for managing contributions, payments, and member interactions.

Many of such Cooperative and thrift societies exists in Nigeria, and the market of the product can be variably.

Subsequently, I’ll be researching on similar platforms and startups that have existed such as Asusu and Riby to understand the market dynamics.

I’ll also be discussing with people in the cooperative society and thrift groups, either as collector or as members to understand the pros and cons of the market, the challenges they faces and the existing status quo.

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